Hey theređź‘‹, and welcome to my personal corner of the internet!
I started this site because I believe Mondays should be about fresh ideas and inspiration. While many dread the start of the week, I see it as the perfect time to dive into something interesting and exciting. Here, you’ll find a collection of my thoughts, insights, and tips on all things marketing. Whether you’re looking for new strategies or just a bit of inspiration to kick off your week, you’re in the right place.
Welcome friendđź’›
I’m Shilpa, a blogger based in India, passionate about all things marketing. Through my blog, I dive into various aspects of the marketing world, sharing insights and perspectives
After being in marketing for over a year, I felt compelled to start sharing what I’ve learned so far. What good is knowledge if it’s not shared? So here I am, writing about what I’ve gained from my experiences and observations.
And in the world of marketing, does learning ever ends? Of course, not!
Happy Marketing Everyone.
Marketer on a Mission
Blog Topics I cover:

Brand Marketing


Product marketing

Marketing Psychology

Marketing Campaign

Business Strategies

Marketer on a Mission
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